Saturday 23 September 2023

No Wonder They Want To Scrap The Lords...

They are a brake on stupid legislation at times, and they've done it again:

The controversial Trophy Hunting Bill has been blocked by the House of Lords after politicians were accused of failing to listen to conservation experts.

Because it seems that listening to the views of the people who live with an issue go out the window when there's vistuesignalling to be done. 

The African nations that are home to the most endangered animals had criticised the 'arrogant' legislation – which included a blanket ban on the import of all souvenir pelts and heads – for ignoring their views in favour of virtue-signalling celebrities such as Gary Lineker. But the Bill passed through the Commons unopposed in March.

Once again, it seems that dogma about 'colonialism' is ignored when the great and good want to rub shoulders with some vacuous sleb bunng hugger at the right parties... 

Rebel peers had asked for an amendment under which a small number of trophies could be imported if it could be shown that the hunting benefits conservation projects. They had consulted African experts who claimed that the profits from some sustainable blood sports are needed to pay for such work.
Ministers 'refused to compromise' and so the rebels talked the Bill down and stopped it.

Well done, Lords. Well done indeed. 


  1. Well done indeed! Unfortunately this will nail down the coffin lid being prepared by Labour to abolish the Lords. Mind you I suspect that, in any event, the Bill will be passed unchanged having been delayed by the statutory 12 months.

  2. Well done indeed. A scrutinising and revising chamber has always been needed, even more so these days.

    There are a couple of fat finger typos in your text Julia. Have you laid off your proof reader?😉

  3. " Unfortunately this will nail down the coffin lid being prepared by Labour to abolish the Lords. "

    They've got to get elected first - and the fact that's looking slim even with the worst 'conservative' government we've ever seen is quite something...

    "There are a couple of fat finger typos in your text Julia. Have you laid off your proof reader?😉"

    Ugh, I shall complete my job application to the 'Grauniad' forthwith!
