Saturday 2 September 2023


We may all think we're doing our bit for the planet by sipping our drinks out of a paper straw.

I don't. I usually think 'Wow, this is a lovely cocktail'...

But the 'eco-friendly' alternatives contain long-lasting and potentially toxic chemicals, a new study has concluded.

Oh. Right. Of course... 

In the first analysis of its kind in Europe, Belgian researchers tested 39 brands of straws for the group of synthetic chemicals known as poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS were found in the majority of the straws tested and were most common in those made from paper and bamboo.

So having demanded we don't use plastic, and now finding fault with paper, what do they suggest? 

The authors advised people use stainless steel straws, or avoid using straws at all.

Well, I suppose at least they didn't suggest not drinking. 



  1. Those metal 'straws' give me the willies. Sooner or later someone is going to have their eye poked out with one, its an accident waiting to happen - alcohol and sharp metal pointy things. What could possibly go wrong????

  2. People have been known to lose an eye using stainless steel drinking straws. Don't forget that the whole plastic straws are evil meme came from a single viral video about a turtle with a straw up its nose. How about continuing to use plastic straws and just not chucking them in the sea?

  3. Turtle?

    Remember that viral video of the Chinese "fur farm" that skinned a fox alive?

    the one, after exhaustive investigation (that was subsequently whitewashed) that showed how the "animal rights" people who'd filmed it had ... you guessed it, arranged it all and paid a massive amount to the (reluctant even in China) men doing it.

    Remember the complete ban on polystyrene take-out food containers that were replaced by 'cardboard' made from sisal - sisal grown on Madagascar that caused the destruction of millions of acres of pristine unique rain-forest and the extinction of who knows how many species. instead of fining the litterers (there's no graft in that though).

    'All' the 'events' and 'crimes' so often used by the leftists to gain power/money are either blatant lies, edited shots (usually of somewhere/something completely different) or ... arranged/done by them.

    Note, the straw was a unique shot, was probably in Indian or Chinese waters (and got there not as rubbish but ... recycling) and was probably a set-up even then.

    As in all things Cui Bono (who gets the money and power - and which politician just happens to have a failing company selling the touted solution).

  4. It always boggles me, that when you buy a drink in McDonalds, you open your paper straw and shove it through the hole in a plastic lid

  5. "Those metal 'straws' give me the willies. "

    I bought a set of glass ones from Lidl!

    "Don't forget that the whole plastic straws are evil meme came from a single viral video about a turtle with a straw up its nose."

    Oh, yes, and probably staged.

    "As in all things Cui Bono"

    Spot on!

    " open your paper straw and shove it through the hole in a plastic lid"

    Looking for logic in any of this will drive you bonkers!
