Friday 8 September 2023

'That relationship at the time was beginning to disintegrate.'

Well, that's a shoo-in for 'Understatement Of The Year'...

Carter, who has five convictions for six past offences, was given a six-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months and must complete 60 rehabilitation activity requirement sessions and 120 hours of unpaid work.
She must also register as a sex offender and is subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for five years. A deprivation order was made for the two seized phones.

Why do the courts allow this farce?


  1. The stats for female pervs are going to increase, when actual females aren't commiting any more of these crimes than before. No wonder women are getting a little annoyed

  2. I think the answer to your question is because it is the 'thing' of the moment and possibly because biology isn't taught now so idiots don't know a persons sex is coded in their chromosomes - XX = female and XY = male and there is no way of changing that no matter how they dress themselves.

  3. Solution? Chop the bastards bollocks off! "Oh, Im actually pretending to be a girly-poo now" Solution? Chop the bastards bollocks off!

  4. I trust he's not changed his name to Twiggy?

  5. "The stats for female pervs are going to increase, when actual females aren't commiting any more of these crimes than before. No wonder women are getting a little annoyed"

    It's a LOT more than a little...

    "...because it is the 'thing' of the moment ..."

    Very appropriate!

    "Solution? Chop the bastards bollocks off!"

    This blog approves!

    "I trust he's not changed his name to Twiggy?"

