Wednesday 20 September 2023

You Know What, I'm No Longer Even Surprised...

An unlicensed driver who mowed down a dog walker, killing her pet, has avoided jail – after a judge heard he suffered his own 'karma' when his skull was later shattered in a hit-and-run.

I wasn't aware we relied on 'karma' as part of our justice system, like some third world country, were you, Reader? 

Kallum Aish was speeding along a country lane when he lost control and ploughed into Patricia Faulkner, catapulting her over a hedge and killing her rescue dog Millie. The 75-year-old grandmother today branded the suspended sentence handed down to Aish as 'disgusting', and said the driver had 'effectively got away' with what he had done to her.

Yes, it would appear so, wouldn't it? As so often happens with vehicular offences.  

Birmingham Crown Court heard his home was also firebombed as a result of community outrage at what he had done, forcing his family to move, while he has also received treatment for cancer.

Do we want to see more people taking the law into their own hands? Because it's what will happen when people lose all faith in the state's ability to prevent crime. 

And this wasn't an aberration, of course. A moment of madness from an otherwise law-abiding citizen. It never is. 

Aish, now aged 20 and of Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving, failing to stop, driving without a licence and insurance, criminal damage (killing the dog) as well as possession of cannabis after 25 bags of the class B drug were found in his bedroom upon arrest.

And those wheels grind ever slower and slower... 

In a hearing which had been long delayed due to Aish's health issues, he was sentenced today to 22 months,suspended for 18 months.
Aish avoided immediate imprisonment mainly due to his age at the time, the fact he had pleaded guilty and his various health issues.

All of which are consequences of his own behaviour and should count for absolutely nothing. 

He was also banned from driving for three years.

It should have been life. He should never again be licensed by the state to get behind the wheel of a vehicle.   

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