Wednesday 25 October 2023

But It's For Gaia!

So why wouldn't you risk your child's health? Ah, if only there had been some warning it was a big scam...

Oh, wait! 

The bamboo “eco-cups” are promoted as helping to protect the planet, but are usually non-recyclable.

See, anyone with their head screwed on would smell a rat at this, surely? 

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) said it had advised retailers to withdraw products in June and any further sales would be unlawful. Despite the ban, the bamboo and plastic products are still widely available online, including children’s cups and plates.

What sort of rapacious capitalist businesses would rather harm the kiddiewinks than forgo that filthy lucre, then? 

WWF-UK, the wildlife charity, was last week selling a reusable bamboo cup for £7.50, which it says “helps protect our planet”.


  1. It's worse.

    Care to check just 'where' these things are made, and by 'whom'?

    The truth, as always, is that these "love the animals" and "save the planet" types ... do neither, but really, really 'hate' humans.

  2. I have bamboo drinks coasters … does that count?

  3. WWF-UK: 68 (yes that many) employees earning between £60,000 and £200,000, and it claims to be a "charity"?
    Not only that but total income y/e June 2022 was £91 MILLION, total expenditure for the same period was £92 MILLION. I can't wait for them to run out of money!

  4. "The truth, as always, is that these "love the animals" and "save the planet" types ... do neither, but really, really 'hate' humans."

    Spot on!

    "I have bamboo drinks coasters … does that count?"

    Heh! It's being pushed as alternatives to cotton clothing too, and I have to say, it'#s pretty good at that.

    "I can't wait for them to run out of money!"

    Idiots giving them more of it wil ensure they never do...
