Friday 6 October 2023

I Guess The Police Would Rather Hunt Foxes..?

A woman has called for urgent police action after a bully-type dog bit her on the leg in Paignton. The victim limped home alone after the owner of the dog ran away from the scene near Oldway Mansion. She needed hospital treatment to stitch the bloody wound inflicted by the animal. The 55-year-old nurse says she was terrified by the incident, which happened on Thursday of last week, and fears other people could be hurt unless the owner and dog are traced.

Hurt, or even killed

Paramedics called police on her behalf but she says nobody has visited her and her calls to 101 have received no follow-up.
"They haven't really helped," she said. "I called for update and the police said they couldn’t do anything. My worry is that the dog might do it again. There must be cameras in the area that police can check."
Police can't worry about dogs, they have bigger game to pursue:
What's more of a danger? Dogs, or people refusing to be cowed by political edicts? I guess we know now.

H/T: Ian J via email

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