Wednesday 18 October 2023

If It’s So ‘Vital’, What Have You Done With It?

On Monday, the EU commissioner Olivér Várhelyi unexpectedly declared – in a social media post – a freeze on EU development assistance to the Palestinians worth €690m. The scale of terror against Israel was “a turning point”, Várhelyi wrote. Providing around €300m annually, the EU is the occupied territories’ largest international source of aid.

Of course it is...I mean, why shouldn't Hungarians and Poles be taxed to pay for Muslims in another country? It makes sense, right? 

The Hungarian commissioner’s solo, and seemingly unauthorised, move was later reversed after a backlash from several governments, along with objections from the EU’s chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, and the European Council president Charles Michel. The EU will now review its aid, not formally suspend it.

As expected from this wretched institution, which every days proves how right we were to come out of it... 

That suspending aid was even considered, and remains a possibility, is mind-boggling. If the goal is to punish Hamas, stopping European aid makes no sense. The EU and its member states do not fund Hamas. Freezing assistance would instead punish the EU-backed Palestinian Authority (PA), which is Hamas’s chief rival.

Sure,, what has the PA done with all this largesse? 

As Israel now proceeds with an all-out military retaliation against the Gaza Strip, resulting in yet more civilian bloodshed and destruction, Palestinians urgently need more aid, not less. The EU’s money funds teachers, doctors and other public servants employed by the PA in the West Bank.

Which it why it rivals Israel for the infrastructure and facilities it provides for its citizenry, right? Oh, wait, my mistake. Of course not.  

Gaza has been driven into a state of high dependency on international support – more than 80% of its population rely on humanitarian aid to meet their basic needs – mainly as a consequence of an ongoing 16-year blockade and a series of devastating Israeli military offensives against Hamas in the densely populated enclave.

Yes, yes, it's all the fault of you know who. They have prevented you from building infrastructure to reduce that dependency. 


  1. Should read “ unelected and unwanted” EU commissioner

  2. There's some beautiful buildings in Gaza. Not surprising when you consider civil engineering is the joint most popular degree at the universities there. Also unsurprising is that a degree and a bit of experience in construction gets you a skills visa to get you out of the place as the rest of the world wants to hire you.
    Of course you are going to take that opportunity to move if you have a brain.
    So we have a subtraction effect - and the next generation in Gaza has less collective IQ than the one before it.
    And so we are where we are with Hamas making excuses for Palestinian Islamic Jihad (no, me neither) messing up a murder attempt and accidentally killing their own people in a hospital car park.
    Brains of the Nile, not.

  3. Blockade?

    Hmm, what about that open border with Egypt? Oh wait, not even muslims want anything to do with the scum in "Palestine" (nope only unelected, elitist, nihilist communists want that).

    Having actually been to Palestine, you might want to ignore the 'stage-set' areas kept exclusively for western press to film in, and examine the multiple Olympic swimming pools, world class restaurants, high-end shopping malls, one of the largest Rolls-Royce dealerships anywhere, etc.

    Palestinians, rather than struggling hand-to-mouth, are rolling in cash (paid for by you and me).

    I could do with a bit of that international support myself, I really fancy a gold-plated Bentley (check out the amount per capita flowing into Palestine, even minus the 'percentages' all the 'charities' and 'not for profit NGO's' and politicians of course take under the table, and you'll realise just how big a lie this all is).

  4. "Should read “ unelected and unwanted” EU commissioner"


    "here's some beautiful buildings in Gaza. "

    Oooh, there's a sentence that's going to date pretty fast!

    "Hmm, what about that open border with Egypt? Oh wait, not even muslims want anything to do with the scum in "Palestine" (nope only unelected, elitist, nihilist communists want that)."

    Look what happened to Jordan.
