Thursday 26 October 2023

Is It The Ides Of March Already?

It seems to come around so quickly...
Four Labour shadow cabinet members are on resignation watch tonight after Keir Starmer failed to quell Labour wrath over the Israel-Hamas conflict - as the party faces a possible implosion following the leader's silence on Gaza at PMQs.
I can't say that I'm not amused, despite the despicable reason they give for it, because it couldn't happen to a more deserving chap, could it?
Sir Keir seemed to be desperately trying to avoid inflaming the issue at today's PMQs, using all his six questions at the weekly Commons clash to target Rishi Sunak on domestic issues. But his tactics were immediately undermined when shadow equalities minister Yasmin Qureshi stood up and demanded: 'How many more innocent Palestinian people must die before this prime minister calls for a humanitarian ceasefire?'
You wanted these people in your party, you courted them, you promoted them, and now they have shown you what they were all along. They're yours. Own them.


  1. Hosea 8:7 A favourite quote of Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris.

  2. Perhaps the reply to Qureshi should have been, "How many babies, including one cut out of it's pregnant mother's stomach, must be beheaded before the Palestinian people rise up and depose the terrorist organisation, Hamas, which is deliberately keeping the Palestinian people in poverty, while it's conducting unprovoked attacks on Israeli citizens, including women and children?"
    Of course, Sunak would not say something like that, as his Davos based masters would not approve.
    Let the war continue so the New World Order can build back better, though for whom, they will not say.

  3. Fifth column within the Labour Party. Despite how western they might think they are they are always muslims first

  4. "Hosea 8:7 A favourite quote of Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris."

    He wasn't wrong.

    "Of course, Sunak would not say something like that, as his Davos based masters would not approve."

    Sadly true...

    "Despite how western they might think they are they are always muslims first"

