Monday 16 October 2023

" is unfortunately far too common for young men to drive in this way."

Is it, judge? Is it really? All young men? 

The court heard he had both hands off the wheel and while holding his mobile phone to film the video with one, he used the other to inhale balloons filled with nitrous oxide. He was found 'dazed and confused' in the wreckage, while his two passengers were unconscious. Nobody was wearing a seatbelt, the court heard.


The judge said that had Jillani not admitted his crime and the case and gone to trial, he would have imposed a sentence of 14 years.

In effect, cause the CPS less work and they'll cause you less punishment for your crime. Who voted for that? 

He said that while Jillani is 'intelligent, well thought of' and comes from a 'highly respected family', Judge Conrad slammed him for having 'a degree of arrogance, selfishness and insensitivity about you still in the way you regard yourself'.
The judge also said Jillani had made 'tasteless' online postings since the tragedy causing further hurt to Ms Yusuf's family.

I guess he didn't get a discount for non-existant 'remorse' at least. Which is a nice change.  


  1. Why is it that whenever I read about (yet another, daily) such occurrences, and the 'judicial' response, my first thoughts immediately go to:

    - what demographic does the criminal belong to, and/or;
    - who is the criminal related to (and are they friends, former school 'chums' of someone important)?

    It's honestly reached the point where I actually believe "justice" in this (former) country would actually be improved if every current police officer, magistrate and judge (not to mention all the lawyers) were lined up against a wall and ...

    Oh, I know it's all precisely by the Cloward-Piven play-book (to so destroy, and more importantly disillusion us with the institution that 'they' can replace it with 'something better') but ...

    I'm too old for it to matter that much, but I suspect our grand-children will curse us for not ... just stringing these 'progeny of unwed mothers' up in the street. (But what do I know, since I often spend days contemplating whether a late Roman pensioner had similar thoughts about 'the system' and the corrupt scum running it. Sigh!).

  2. "It's honestly reached the point where I actually believe "justice" in this (former) country would actually be improved if every current police officer, magistrate and judge (not to mention all the lawyers) were lined up against a wall and ..."

    It couldn't hurt, could it?
