Friday 20 October 2023

Lose Your Life And Your Name...

...all to protect the real 'victim':
The manslaughter, which took place in West Sussex, was a “failure of the system as a whole” the report - a child safeguarding practice review by Birmingham and West Sussex authorities - found.

And we all know that no-one will lose their job over it. We won't even know their names. Or that of the murdered man, astonishingly. 

The girl, referred to as Child A, killed the man, who cannot be named to protect the identity of the teenager, in October 2020 in a part of the county The Argus is choosing not to name.

The sympathy is all for her... 

Child A had spent most of her life in Birmingham and had only moved to West Sussex in April 2020. She pleaded guilty to manslaughter due to diminished responsibility in July 2021.After she had killed her mother’s partner, she said that she saw him as a positive influence in her life.

What would she have done if she'd seen him as a negative one? 

The report reads: “On the one hand what happened to Adult A is immeasurable because his life was taken, but Child A is more than a perpetrator of a terrible crime.
“She is also a vulnerable child who has been a victim of significant and horrific trauma and abuse in her short life.”

Everything after that 'but' is just sophistry. 

A spokesperson for West Sussex County Council said: “Our sympathies and condolences are with the family and friends of the man who died.
“It is extremely rare for a child to cause the death of an adult, as the report makes clear. While in no way diminishing her actions, the perpetrator was, and remains a child who had experienced trauma and abuse throughout her young life while living in Birmingham.
“We welcome this report which looks at the involvement of multiple agencies, including our children’s services when the child moved to West Sussex, seven months before the incident. Our involvement included regular, face-to-face contact from our staff during the Covid-19 pandemic. As the report acknowledges, our staff who supported her and recognised the huge trauma she had suffered and the impact this has had on her life.

She still has one, though. The murdered man doesn't even have his name


  1. Name the useless ones who took their salaries yet obviously did no good at all, and name the girl so that normal people can keep clear of her

  2. Guess we will have to wait until she kills someone else to find out her name.

  3. "Name the useless ones who took their salaries yet obviously did no good at all, and name the girl so that normal people can keep clear of her"

    If she was named, I'd bet the taxpayer would be shelling out for a new identity on release 🙄

    "uess we will have to wait until she kills someone else to find out her name."

    The good old 'justice' system.
