Saturday 7 October 2023

More Of This, Please!

The video, which has now gone viral, shows a confident Trudeau waving at supporters who had lined up to meet him as he marches up to greet them with his security guards standing just yards away. The 51-year-old shakes someone's hand and waves at a child in a stroller before attempting to shake the hand of another crowd member who says: 'I'm not shaking your hand bro, you're a f***ing piece of s***.'

One wonders what he was doing in the crowd. Waiting for this chance? 

And of course, with the typical arrogance of the politician, Trudeau stops to argue. After all, he can surely get the better of his heckler, can't he?

Trudeau looks visibly taken aback and asks; 'Why's that, sir?' The man replies: 'You f***ed up the entire country.
Trudeau then asks: 'How did I mess up this country?' The man replies: 'Can anybody afford a home?' He starts ranting about carbon taxes asking what the people are getting charged for. Trudeau calmly explains that the government is putting the price on pollution and 'returning it to families like yours'.
'You're sending it over to Ukraine, right?' the man counters. 'You're sending it over to the guy you were with who slaughtered his own country.'

So, how does a world leader, a man supposedly selected for his quick thinking and mature outlook, handle this?

Before walking off, Trudeau says: 'You've been listening to Putin have you?'
'You know a lot of Russian disinformation.'

Yes. Like a five year old losing a playground spat. What a statesman! 


  1. If all the ripoff taxes had gone to Ukraine, they would not only have pushed the Russians out, they'd have reached Vladivostok!

  2. Countries get the politicians the electorate deserve. Once you start to believe their bullshit and let them bribe you with your own money, all is lost.

  3. As Billy Connelly once said "don't vote for them, it only encourages them"

  4. "If all the ripoff taxes had gone to Ukraine, they would not only have pushed the Russians out, they'd have reached Vladivostok!"

    Good point! 😂

    "Countries get the politicians the electorate deserve. "

    I'm not sure anyone could do anything to deserve this little popinjay.

    "As Billy Connelly once said "don't vote for them, it only encourages them""

    If only there was an alternative to vote for instead...
