Wednesday 11 October 2023

This Shames England...

The scenes in London were bad enough, with the Home Secretary having to issue orders to the police that a), they shouldn't have needed, and b) they appear to have ignored. 
...last night, Suella Braverman urged officers to use the 'full force of the law' against shows of support for Hamas or bids to intimidate the UK's Jewish community. She issued a warning to police chiefs that the waving of Palestinian flags and chanting 'may not be legitimate' if it is deemed to be a show of support for acts of terrorism.

But this! This is practically a declaration by the police that they are perfectly fine with support for terrorism on the street of England. 

Police said 'minor disorder' ensued as they tried to disperse the crowds, meaning the suspect and another man were able to escape and are now being looked for.

This was not 'minor disorder', this was a declaration by a hostile foreign power that we have allowed into our country and that now acts as a fifth column on our streets, openly. Without hinderance from those we pay to prevent such displays.  


  1. Have you seen the screen shot over at Longrider's place? There is some moron splitting hairs to justify beheading babies. How dare you suggest that Hamas beheaded forty babies, they murdered forty babies but only beheaded some of them you right wing liar.

  2. The spineless arseholes at Sheffield City Council have said they will not put the flag of Israel back up again. I suspect they didn't want to fly it anyway, but they needed to virtue signal. They will inevitably learn that appeasement never works.

  3. In my local city centre the 'usual suspects' are conspicuously absent from their usual haunts, hanging around coffee shops attempting to intimidate pensioners and leering at single mothers (and considering the feelings here, they better stay away) but ... they now seem to have been given the run of ... the council information centre (so they can drink free coffee 'in safety' and leer and intimidate the tourists instead), and yes, there is a permanent police presence to ensure they aren't 'upset'.

    As such the council and police have explicitly declared their 'allegiances' and as such I suspect there 'may' be 'repercussions' (feelings are running that high here).

    The simple truth is that 'every' institution and organisation in this country has been completely taken over by 'extremist leftists', so much so it's not that such occurs, but the rare occasions it 'doesn't' that surprises us now.

  4. Robert the Biker12 October 2023 at 21:33

    I dont think we should fly the flag of ANY foreign country over our town hall. This is England, not Israel, Palestine or Ukraine, virtue signal at your own place, dont force your shit down my throat, tell me what to think or who to support.

  5. "Have you seen the screen shot over at Longrider's place? "

    Yes. The usual suspects are showing their true colours once again.

    "I suspect they didn't want to fly it anyway, but they needed to virtue signal. They will inevitably learn that appeasement never works."

    Probably not, but once it was removed, it should have been put back up immediately in a 'Who runs Bartertown?' scenario...

    "As such the council and police have explicitly declared their 'allegiances' and as such I suspect there 'may' be 'repercussions' (feelings are running that high here)."

    I do hope so. This is really showing where some people's allegiences are, and it's not the country that gave them shelter.

    "I dont think we should fly the flag of ANY foreign country over our town hall. "

    I'd agree, but since we have done, that ship sailed long ago.
