Thursday 5 October 2023

Yes, Of Course, He's The Real Victim...

A rapist who avoided jail because of his young age suffered a 'very significant miscarriage of justice', appeal judges heard yesterday.
Who's surprised? Not me. The chutzpah is strong in this one...
Hogg's lawyer, Donald Findlay, KC, told judges Lady Dorrian, Lord Matthews and Lord Pentland at the Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday that his client had been being (sic) wrongly convicted.
Mr Findlay said Lord Lake did not properly follow the correct legal procedures used in Scotland to establish the guilt of a rapist. The defence lawyer told the court that the complainer whose evidence led to Hogg's conviction had to have her account of being sexually assaulted corroborated.

Isn't that something we usually deride about the Islamic system of 'justice'..? 


  1. "The defence lawyer told the court that the complainer whose evidence led to Hogg's conviction had to have her account of being sexually assaulted corroborated. ... Isn't that something we usually deride about the Islamic system of 'justice'..? "

    Who's this 'we'? I'm not sure what Moslems think, but my view is that a person shouldn't be convicted on the unsupported assertions of another. It's easy to make false accusations of rape that are impossible to disprove. You disagree? Your son could be next in line.

  2. (sorry, I couldn't tell whether my first attempt to post succeeded)

    "The defence lawyer told the court that the complainer whose evidence led to Hogg's conviction had to have her account of being sexually assaulted corroborated. ... Isn't that something we usually deride about the Islamic system of 'justice'..? "

    Who's this 'we'? I'm not sure what Moslems think, but my view is that a person shouldn't be convicted on the unsupported assertions of another. It's easy to make false accusations of rape that are impossible to disprove. You disagree? Your son could be next in line.

  3. " view is that a person shouldn't be convicted on the unsupported assertions of another. "

    Rape usually happens in private. Hard to get independent corroboration for that.

  4. Yes it is hard. It's also hard to prove that false allegations of rape are false. So?
