Friday 10 November 2023

Definitely Didn’t Need More Caffeine

A short-tempered dad "saw red" when a shopkeeper refused to sell his 13-year-old son an energy drink. Stephen Brown, 38, stormed into the off licence on Breeze Hill, Walton, and attacked the male staff member, slamming his head into a fridge and punching him in the face on September 25 2020.

Ah, Liverpool... 

Brown, who has 24 convictions for 64 offences, initially denied the attack, but pleaded guilty before a trial.

Roll out the excuses! 

Tom Watson, defending, said: "He barged into the shop and, with both hands, pushed the victim's head into the fridge and either threw a punch or attempted to throw a punch. Nothing whatsoever could justify that behaviour and the defendant knows it. He has indicated that he would wish to apologise to the victim and, if he were given the opportunity, to write a letter." He said Brown's son, now aged 16 (Ed: Yes, it's taken so long to come to trial he can now legally buy the stuff!), was "displaying serious behavioural problems and causing serious problems" for his parents, adding: "The defendant acknowledges that he as a role model has been appalling."

He got two years behind bars, but no doubt his offspring will pick up the thuggery slack for him... 


  1. At least he actually got sent down. Did he also misgender the guy?

  2. Who knows, perhaps the shopkeeper was anti-vax or pro-Israeli, in which case the assault was totally understandable and even justified.

    This is how this identity politics works, right?

  3. Typical Scouser-surprised he didn't claim to be the victim.

  4. I was expecting a suspended sentence. This twat is a good example of why we need an "X strikes and you are out" law. What useful contribution to society are they providing?

  5. "At least he actually got sent down."

    Yes, a welcome surprise.

    "This is how this identity politics works, right?"


    "Typical Scouser-surprised he didn't claim to be the victim."

    Me too! It's the only time they don't go 'no comment' isn't it?

    "This twat is a good example of why we need an "X strikes and you are out" law. What useful contribution to society are they providing?"

    About the same amount as the judiciary...
