Sunday 3 December 2023

Don't Leave Us Hanging, 'Mail' Editor!

If he what..!? Or should that have been 'of her brother'?


  1. Wasn't there a form of assisted dying recently in the fabulous NHS hospitals, under the name of "Liverpool Pathway"? While giving the impression of gently helping the dying, consisted of simply stopping food and water. While it may have saved the hospitals a couple of bob, it left those helpless patients in great discomfort, but unable to do anything about it. With the bunch of WEF sponsored numpties we have in both government and opposition, the cynical side of me suggests this pathway may be not too far away from returning, using flexible guidelines.

  2. The only time Dearly Beloved's sister was visited by the supposedly saintly Macmillan nurses while in hospital with terminal cancer was when they appeared with a 'Do not resuscitate' form for her to sign. DB sent them off with several fleas in their ears but their parting shot was "It's not up to you, it's for us to decide". Charming.

  3. "Wasn't there a form of assisted dying recently in the fabulous NHS hospitals, under the name of "Liverpool Pathway"?"

    It's still around; in the great tradition of such institutions, it's been rebranded, because that solves the problem, right?

    "DB sent them off with several fleas in their ears but their parting shot was "It's not up to you, it's for us to decide". Charming."

    Who the hell do they think they are? 🤬
