Wednesday 27 December 2023

First, You Got Reindeer Fillets Dropped From Lidl's Christmas Range...

...and now look what you're trying to ban!
Animal rights activists accused a British company of 'ruining the spirit of Christmas for children everywhere' after advertising...

Oh, here we go... 

...trophy Reindeer hunting trips during the festive season.

Well, if that's when they are in season, why not? 'Rudolph' is, after all a creature of fiction. Not real. Sorry, kiddies!  

The Fife-based firm does not say how much a trip costs but it is understood to be thousands of pounds and even suggests to trophy hunters the best type of rifle with which to kill a reindeer.

I'd expect them to... 

Explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes called the firm of trophy hunters 'cowards' and 'evil', saying to the Mirror: 'This is probably the most un-British thing I have ever heard of. If we needed proof of just how evil trophy hunters really are, then this is surely it.
'These cowards are happy to ruin the spirit of Christmas for children everywhere. How dare they. For a British company to be profiting from this disgrace is beyond appalling. We need a complete ban on this sick industry.'

Is that the royal 'we', Ranulph? I need no such ban. And while we are banging on about 'un-British things', could we also include 'sticking your nose in someone else's pleasures'? 

Because that's about the most un-British thing I can think of... 


  1. I agree with him. Reindeer hunting is so unBritish. Tigers, elephants, lions, rhinos they are the trophies to go for if you are really British.

  2. Reindeer aren’t ‘wild animals’, they are ‘farmed’ and have been for generations (thousands of years).

    Much like in Africa these ‘hunts’ are of animals already scheduled to be culled, and make the local population some much needed cash (the Sámi and Tornedalen, across Norway, Sweden and Finland, are both seriously hurting financially recently and need this).

    Feinnes always was a rich, well-connected lefty hypocrite (bemoaning tourism whilst jet-setting for himself was somehow different, of course. That and he’s eaten more than his fare share of animals shot purely to feed him and his legion of sycophant followers on his well-funded and over-hyped 'solo', not counting all the cameramen, etc., “expeditions”).

    I find it ‘amusing’ that a few years ago the Finnish Christmas ‘hit’ movie “Rare Exports” (lauded in all the right-on, lefty movie listings) made all of this patently clear but virtue-signalling has never had anything to do with facts, or virtue for that matter. So from that perspective Feinnes is the perfect spokesperson.

    Still, it’s somewhat reassuring that most of the comments on the article are from those with common-sense, with only a few of the usual brain-dead single-issue fanatics chiming in occasionally, only to be roundly … put in their place.

  3. I've always thought that wanting to shoot animals for fun made you a bit of a knobhead but anyone who eats meat doesn't really have a case against them. Just because animals are slaughtered supposedly humanely in an abattoir doesn't make them any less dead. We once ate in a restaurant that overlooked a deer farm. Mrs. SG joked that we should ask if they sell Bambiburgers.

  4. Smoked reindeer is delicious! A Finnish delicacy.

  5. Frank

    Sarcasm aside, you do realise that there 'are' only "Tigers, elephants, lions, rhinos" left alive, purely and precisely because the locals (who lose relatives, children, animals and crops to them every year - and it's not an 'inconvenience' for them, it's life or death) get paid for the hunting.

    Yes, we all know about the tourists, but almost every penny from that goes to the industry and rich, connected politicians. With the hunting the money goes straight to the villagers. The 'only' thing stopping them from (doing exactly what you would do in the same situation and) wiping-out those animals that threaten them, is ... hunting fees. fact!

    My Sámi and Tornedalen friends herd Reindeer,but used to get a little extra from tourism (not much more than pocket-money in reality, but Cov put a stop to that) but ... charging for allowing some rich hunter to shoot an animal they would have had to shoot themselves makes them enough to keep them (and their herds) afloat.

    I'll also point out that whilst we British did (like every other culture) hunt, we also (unlike all the rest) brought fair-play, justice, civilisation and justice. So ... stick your anti-British Marxism where the sun doesn't shine!!

  6. "Tigers, elephants, lions, rhinos they are the trophies to go for if you are really British."

    Don't eat carnivores (I know some Americans do) and doubt I could manage a whole rhino!

    "Reindeer aren’t ‘wild animals’, they are ‘farmed’ and have been for generations (thousands of years)."

    Yup, domesticated form of caribou.

    "We once ate in a restaurant that overlooked a deer farm. Mrs. SG joked that we should ask if they sell Bambiburgers."

    Almost certainly did!

    "With the hunting the money goes straight to the villagers. "

    And the meat too! At least, in Africa.
