Saturday 23 December 2023

Let's Go Back To Battering Them With A Truncheon, Then...

Police are far more likely to use a Taser electrical weapon against black people due to structural and institutional racism rather than the views of individual officers, a new report says.

Oh, really? Once again, we are presented with a report which draws some bizarre conclusions in the progressive press, to advance an agenda. Must be a day with a 'Y' in it...

It follows the biggest ever academic study of the police’s use of the weapon, which found officers increasingly see it as a tool that can get suspects to comply, rather than a potentially lethal item.

And isn't that a good thing? Don't we want people to comply with the police? 

Communities see its use as humiliating and traumatic and the report, which was funded by the police, says radical reforms are needed to training.

All 'communities'...? 

Or maybe some actually see it as pretty useful, and necessary to ensuring the other 'communities' don't run rampant stealing and looting with impunity, hmm? 

While some officers see black people as more threatening and thus use a Taser electrical weapon, the study said the biggest reasons for the racial disparity was not decisions by individual officers. How and where officers were deployed by their chiefs were the key reasons. Officers are more frequently deployed into higher crime areas, which tend to have acute levels of poverty and higher ethnic minority populations.

It's the same old boilerplate, Reader, isn't it? But surely if black suspects were being Tasered willy-nilly, there'd be more reports?

Well, of course, they aren't: 

Use of the weapon in official statistics does not necessarily mean it is fired at a suspect. The official figures include where it is unholstered and a suspect threatened with it, and also where a suspect is “red dotted”, where the red laser used to aim the device is visible to a suspect, often leading them to obey an officer’s commands. It is fired in about a tenth of incidents.

The other alternative with a suspect who isn't obeying an officer's commands is, what? Just let them go? 


  1. Don't loot or riot, don't resist arrest. Comply with instructions and you won't get tasered.
    It's always the police being made to change their ways but what about teaching the vermin to behave?

  2. Yet again, some single issue, tunnel visioned, organisation comes out with 'statistics' which don't tell the whole story. I recall when pepper, or diluted CS, sprays were introduced, only for some self appointed community leader complain that their use could be lethal to offenders suffering from asthma. One tv news report included a senior Police officer (I forget which Force he was in) saying that, if you suffer from asthma, do not commit crime. If someone said that today, they'd be directing traffic in the Blackwell tunnel tomorrow.

  3. Use doesn't mean fired, therefore the survey is massaging the facts to prove what it was designed for.

  4. "Don't loot or riot, don't resist arrest. Comply with instructions and you won't get tasered."

    Words to live by, indeed.

    "...'statistics' which don't tell the whole story. "

    They almost never do...

    "Use doesn't mean fired, therefore the survey is massaging the facts to prove what it was designed for."

