Monday 11 December 2023

Shouldn’t Be A Surprise…

…surely he saw one earlier? Like, on 7th October?
A London surgeon has described witnessing a “massacre unfold” during 43 days spent under bombardment in Gaza, saying the destruction of the Palestinian health system was a military objective of the war.

Turns out the description 'London surgeon' is working a little too hard here... 

“Having seen this massacre unfold, the creation of an uninhabitable Gaza Strip was the aim and the destruction of all the components of modern life at which the health system lies was the main military objective,” said Abu-Sittah, who has a practice in west London and has worked in Gaza since 2009, as well as in wars across Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

He clearly fancies himself a military strategist too…

When asked about Israel’s claims of being at war with Hamas and its denial of targeting civilians in Gaza, he said: “Statistically, it appears that the numbers tell a different story.”

Any numbers coming out of Hamas are 'telling a story', alright!

Since leaving Gaza 10 days ago, Abu-Sittah said he felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for those left behind. “My fear is even those who are steadfast enough to stay will eventually leave on their own and we will have what the Israelis want, which is another 1948,” he said.
“This war is the continuation of the 1948 Nakba.”

Not such an overwhelming feeling he opted to stay, one notes… 


  1. I have this awful suspicion that he wants to bring all the Palestinians with him to the UK.

    Though I'm sure he'd be quite happy to dump them on Oz.

  2. His use of the word "Nakba" shows where he is coming from.

  3. Say, I wonder if the newspaper that's happy to carry this load of anti-Semitic conspiratorial drivel is somehow related to that other Guardian, the one that claims simply reporting factually on the immigration status of convicted criminals is inflammatory or racist.

  4. If there was a referendum tomorrow, "do you give a tuppenny fuck about gaza", it would be very interesting to see what the result would be.

  5. So, would he be one of those "asylum seekers" fleeing tyranny and danger only to (after milking the system for all he can get) ... go back 'home' for a holiday?

    Want to know why you struggle to see a doctor, and why the NHS is a collapsing, murderous joke now? It's because almost no white, British, normal man can even get a training placement as they're all reserved for wimmin and ... people like this (it's Cloward-Piven in action before your very eyes).

    [I live in a rural northern "city" (otherwise known as "the armpit of Britain") and even here the local hospital has >60% of its consultant positions filled by Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Syrian/etc. imports, and if it's that bad here, I shudder to think what everywhere else is like.

    My orthopaedic consultant, one of the aforementioned, was unable to identify the second-most common traumatic knee injury and ... had to ask a junior physiotherapy assistant about it, I kid you not?!

    call me a cynic, but I wonder what percentage of the "victims" died as a result of their Hamas-inflicted injuries (those not scheduled to appear in another Paliwood production later in the day), and what percentage died as a consequence of his 'affirmative action' incompetence?]

  6. "I have this awful suspicion that he wants to bring all the Palestinians with him to the UK."

    Yes, I wouldn't be at all surprised.

    "His use of the word "Nakba" shows where he is coming from."

    It's a dead giveaway. Clearly, though, not to Border Farce.

    "Say, I wonder if the newspaper that's happy to carry this load of anti-Semitic conspiratorial drivel is somehow related to that other Guardian..."


    "If there was a referendum tomorrow, "do you give a tuppenny fuck about gaza", it would be very interesting to see what the result would be."

    I don't think we'll see any more referendums, now they've seen how the last one went. 😏

    "So, would he be one of those "asylum seekers" fleeing tyranny and danger only to (after milking the system for all he can get) ... go back 'home' for a holiday?"

    I don't think a holiday in Gaza right now appeals much...
