Monday 4 December 2023

The Rise Of Skynet Delayed Again...

Oh, no, is this the long-awaited machine uprising?

No, Reader, fear not - it's simply a breach of safety regulations. 
The worker, Remigiusz Cyrek, was choked unconscious after he was dragged into the machine by the hood of his jacket and trapped there by a giant roller.

Why was the machine working at the time of cleaning, and why have anything on that could get caught? 

Good grief, in my office, we're even warned - as part of induction and regular H&S updates - not to let anything dangle near the shredder when you're using it! 

Barry Smith, a lawyer for the company, said that Cyrek was a valued employee and that Kettle Produce “very sincerely regret this accident occurred”. He told the court: “There was a system, and had it been followed properly, it would have ensured safety.
“Clear instruction was not universally understood and followed. It is accepted the company fell short of the required standard.”

Why would any company hire people who cannot understand and follow routine safety procedures, I wonder? 

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