Saturday 2 December 2023

Why Should Anyone Care About His 'Emotional Stress'..?

He's not the victim here, he's the perpetrator of it!

The now 41-year-old killer was granted a private hearing after the Parole Board ruled that a public one would cause 'disproportionate emotional stress' to Venables, but he still didn't show up.
The source told the Sun: 'It makes a mockery of it all. He's been a coward to the end. He probably didn't want to hear the impact statements so took the easy option.'

No doubt the useless Tories will try to have him dragged in chains to the hearing in a desperate attempt to stop the hemorrhaging voter base now... 

Denise Fergus, 54, James's mother, said she endured 'three decades of hell' after Venables killed her son and urged the board to 'keep people safe from this monster' by denying his parole.

Ah, if only that was actually in their job description. 

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