Monday 8 January 2024

Always Picking The Wrong Side...

Sadiq Khan has refused to use new minimum service laws to keep the London Underground running during next week's major strike.

Who could genuinely claim surprise at this? The strike has been called off at the last minute, but not - of course - because this little weasel has decided to act.

The Tube will have 'little to no service' from Monday until Thursday next week with members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) union working on different parts of the network set to strike on separate days between tomorrow and January 12.
Susan Hall, the Conservative London mayoral candidate, today slammed Khan for 'inflicting mayhem on our city'.

He's done that ever since he was elected, why expect him to stop now? 

Earlier this week, Sadiq Khan was urged by the Tories to use new minimum service laws to keep the Underground running during the strike.
It comes after the first regulations aimed at ensuring minimum levels of service during strikes were brought into force by the Government on December 8.
City Hall Conservatives transport spokesman Keith Prince told MailOnline: 'Sadiq Khan needs to decide if he is the Mayor for Londoners or the Mayor for trade unions. The Strikes (Minimum Service Level) Act gives Sadiq Khan the power to intervene in next week's strikes to ensure minimum service levels on the Underground network.
'Sadiq Khan is both Mayor and chairman of TfL. Londoners will know who to blame when the Tube network grinds to a halt once again.'

Londoners always do, but when enough keep voting for him regardless, what's the alternative? 


  1. "Londoners always do, but when enough keep voting for him regardless, what's the alternative?"

    Forgive me, but I still chortle (I do 'not' giggle manically, whatever the neighbours say) when 'anyone' states the belief that voting in any way, shape or form 'actually' even vaguely represents the voters wishes (
    instead of the usual 'polar opposite').

    You did see what happened in The US, right? Do you really believe it's any different here?

    Khan is supported by the voting blocs of the muslims and the woke (as well as the globalists) and ... who is it exactly who runs the voting system, and counts the votes again? You 'really' think they won't/aren't "gaming" the system in their favour? Really?!

    As per usual this is merely more Cloward-Piven, to collapse the system, so they can (re)install their (socialist/communist) nationalised dream (ditto the NHS, pensions, food supply, finance, ... everything else that 'unaccountably' seems to falling apart at the moment).

    Remember the seventies? It's looking more and more like a re-run of those days (and every disaster that was imposed and occurred then) every day.

  2. "Londoners will know who to blame ......" will mean absolutely nothing in an election. For political, tribal, or religious reasons, Sad Dick Khan't will stand an extremely good chance of being re-elected. How many people in Tower Hamlets, and similar places, will say, " He's a crook, but he's our crook and, as long as he sticks it to whitey, he's our choice? ".
    Another growing ghetto which was a thriving city. Londoners is so close.

  3. So, after caving in to the union is such a manner, thereby saving it from having to pay a lot of strike pay to its already overpaid members, will Sad Dick (such a lovely name) now ask the union for a contribution to his "re-elect me as the ruler of London fund"?

  4. "You did see what happened in The US, right? Do you really believe it's any different here?"

    I do still cling to the belief that the Mother of Parliaments is still alive in some form...

    "How many people in Tower Hamlets, and similar places, will say, " He's a crook, but he's our crook and, as long as he sticks it to whitey, he's our choice? "."

    Far too many.

    "...for a contribution to his "re-elect me as the ruler of London fund"?"

    I would say even he doesn't have the brass neck, but...
