Sunday 7 January 2024

An Absolute Corker!

Thanks no doubt to predictive text:
"The U-246 lies around 30 miles off the coast between the island and Anglesey and was sunk on 17 March 1945. She was discovered after the crew mistakingly revealed their location to a British ASW trawler called HMS Lady Madeleine."
"This resulted in various personal items being discovered including socks embroiled with a name of one of the crew members, confirming it was indeed the U-246."

A good poof-reader would have caught that one... ;) 

H/T: The Jannie via email


  1. Are you implying that these things are proof-read?

    Didn't know that!

  2. I shan't get embroiled in that one, nor speak of testicles. 😇

  3. "Are you implying that these things are proof-read?"

    They can't be, unless it's by illiterates.

    "I shan't get embroiled in that one, nor speak of testicles. 😇"

