Sunday 21 January 2024

Don't Forget The 'E's...

No, not an instruction to a teenage Friday night party planning session...

*sighs* They can't make the effort to proof-read even the good news stories, can they?

H/T: Dave Ward via email


  1. I really wish you'd stop it! Some of us are "grammatically challenged" and ... don't appreciate having to read, re-read, then re-read again (then check their old text-books) to find out ... what you're upset about (this one only took three tries, I hasten to add, unlike some).

    Being honest, as I'm sure you've noticed, the only thing I'm worse at than grammar is ... punctuation (so stop pointing out others failures, that pale into insignificance compared to what I write daily. You're giving me a complex! and a headache).

  2. "You're giving me a complex! and a headache"

    Oh dear!
