Wednesday 3 January 2024

Don't They Love Their Scaremongering?

I'm willing to bet everyone was fine and avoided salmonella, and - apart from the very north of Scotland - blizzards were conspicuous by their absence...

H/T: IanJ via email


  1. Salmonella being the reason that poultry needs to be properly cooked has been common knowledge for ever.

    Despite it being announced over twenty years ago that snow in England is now a thing of the past, it still snows from time to time which causes a few difficulties in getting around.

    Oh noes, whatever will we do?

  2. What do they do when they reach the end of the alphabet in their breeze making obsession? Use double names? Storm AliceAlice? Add a number like software versions? Alice2.0?

  3. "Salmonella being the reason that poultry needs to be properly cooked has been common knowledge for ever."

    Sadly, a lot of formerly common knowledge appears to not be so common any more...

    "What do they do when they reach the end of the alphabet in their breeze making obsession?"

    It appears the answer is 'start again'!
