Saturday 13 January 2024

I’ve No Doubt, But It’s What She Was Doing That Proved Her Downfall…

Nice subheading. Let's try that another way, shall we? 

"The amazing patio work done by Fred West should not be buried by controversy." Hmm, no, doesn't really work, Libby. Does it?

I visited regularly over the years, first as a journalist researching my book about modern childhood and later as a volunteer. Back then, despite the chaos and the flares of violence, there was a heady sense that behind those double doors something magical was happening – and that mustn’t be forgotten in the controversies that surrounded the charity’s collapse a decade later.

If by 'magical' you're referring to sleight of hand on donated taxpayer cash while journalists clapped like demented seals, I guess... 

Batmanghelidjh believed profoundly that love is a doing word. Hot meals, routine, a safe space to come and be listened to, clothing and daily necessities. And hopeful, inspired staff who could do the work they had trained for, free from the numbing constraints of mainstream care policy.

Turned out there was a really good reason for those 'numbing constraints', Libby. 


  1. ‘… there was a heady sense that behind those double doors something magical was happening…’

    A phenomenon possibly not unconnected with the eye-witness description of ‘pocket-money day’, when envelopes of cash were handed out all round; “It was weed heaven on a Friday, you could smell it coming down from the landings.”

  2. You can give some people a hand up and they will stand up on their own. You can give some people a hand up and they will have their hand held out for more.

    What do you do about those who won't be helped? A few can be carried, too many will bury the initiative.

  3. We all suffer from amnesia when it comes down to those who are shot down in flames only rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

  4. "A phenomenon possibly not unconnected with the eye-witness description of ‘pocket-money day’, when envelopes of cash were handed out all round..."

    It's like they couldn't see what would happen, or could and just didn't care...

    "What do you do about those who won't be helped?"

    First, stop trying!

    "We all suffer from amnesia when it comes down to those who are shot down in flames only rise like a phoenix from the ashes."

    There was no rising for her. Thankfully.
