Thursday 18 January 2024

Maybe Neutering And Muzzling The Owners Would Be A Good Next Step...

A suspected XL Bully breeder who gave a vet a 'punishment beating' at his surgery for failing to save the dog's life has been jailed.
Arbaz Hamza Hamid, 24, (Ed: Eh..?) punched Stephen Stead so hard he was left with a bloody nose and his glasses left an imprint in his skin.

The animal - the four legged one - was imported from the States. For breeding. 

York Crown Court was told Hamid and four others arrived at Stead's surgery in two cars at around 4.15pm on January 16. Hamid's barrister Rachel Webster said the dog was ill and needed two-hourly injections and around the clock care from the five joint owners.

Not really able to claim the beast was a 'family pet', though it didn't stop her. 

Hamid, of Rotherham, South Yorks,. previously pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm and was jailed for seven months.

At least he'll see jail time. 


  1. With a name like that, I doubt that Hamza is a Welsh Baptist. I thought dogs were haram to ropers?

  2. Robert the Biker18 January 2024 at 17:38

    Not enough! These niggers are getting emboldened by la punishments and all the "dey culchah, fey 'slamerphobia, dat waycisms" Gwt five or sixpals together, ambush them, and beat the living shit out of them, life changing permanent crippling style, this monkey behaviour will end!

  3. "With a name like that, I doubt that Hamza is a Welsh Baptist. I thought dogs were haram to ropers?"

    Nothing gets in the way of earning untaxable cash, have you noticed?

    "Gwt five or sixpals together, ambush them, and beat the living shit out of them..."

    I fear it's going to come to that in the end...
