Friday 26 January 2024

Not A Pet, A Weapon...

The dog attack unfolded at just before 5.50pm on Saturday, December 2 when Aroriode-Francis’s XL Bully charged towards a dog in Cheshunt High Street, Hertfordshire.
Emergency services were called, but Aroriode-Francis, 27, left the scene before the police could arrive. The victim of the dog attack later died from its injuries.

Another day, another killer mutt owned by the sort of person who shouldn't be allowed a goldfish. Not that this was a pet, per se, as it turns out... 

Magistrates ordered Aroriode-Francis to pay compensation to the dog owner and cover kennelling costs; he was also given a six-month jail term, suspended for 18 months.The XL Bully was also ordered to be put down.

A Nigerian thug with a record get a suspended sentence for a weapon dog, but a white middle class woman with an elderly terrier loses her job? What are they smoking in judge's chambers these days?  

Separate counts of making off without paying for £286.91 of petrol and driving a BMW without insurance were also levelled at Aroriode-Francis, who admitted both charges.

Nor is that his only brush with the law... 

H/T: ProtectOurPets via Twitter


  1. Indeed, Julia, the British judicial system is well and truly 'Donald Ducked' (Tipton rhyming slang). Such news commands a sane man to languish in a pit of despair. But I'm too fucking old, and mad, and I wouldn't be able to get out. If I were the judge, the fella (Mr. Ipod Mugumbo) would be a serving 10 spot. And I'm not talking about the lesions on his 'twinkle'.

  2. "...the British judicial system is well and truly 'Donald Ducked' (Tipton rhyming slang)."

    And I can see no chance of it ever changing for the better, now that Long March Through The Institutions has run its damned course...
