Saturday 6 January 2024

Oh, Gosh, It's Another Hard-To-Fathom Puzzle...

...surely the answer can't just be 'because they aren't very bright' again, can it?

With the announcement this week of her death at 61, the mystery remains of just how she enthralled prime ministers and princes, celebrities and the gullible rich who were all seduced by her crazily flamboyant outfits and equally fantastical claims about her charity.
David Cameron was said to have been inspired for his famous 'hug a hoodie' declaration by her work and she became a symbol of his Big Society concept. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were both fans. Cherie Blair and Samantha Cameron, who named her as her Inspirational Woman of the Year, lent their support from Downing Street. The then Prince Charles was another fan.

Oh, I guess it can. 

Miles Goslett, the journalist who first raised concerns about Kids Company in print in 2014, told how two former staff members said drugs and designer clothes were often purchased with these cash handouts. 'The people who were being given the money were the very opposite of the picture most charitable people would form in their mind if they heard the words 'vulnerable children',' he said.

The picture that forms in people mind's when they hear that phrase these days? Well, actually... 


  1. The other race grifters at Sista Space have also gone quiet since a whitewash investigation was started. There's a theme here.
    (Yes I used the word whitewash deliberately to be annoying !!)

  2. "The other race grifters at Sista Space have also gone quiet..."

    A welcome relief from their squawking...
