Wednesday 10 January 2024

Pretty Soon, You Won’t Be Able To Give Them Away…

The number of new cars registered in the UK has jumped by nearly 18% but electric vehicle demand is flatlining, prompting the industry to call for a VAT cut to stimulate sales.
The lacklustre growth in the electric vehicle market comes despite a government goal to totally phase out petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles by 2035, albeit one that was diluted by Rishi Sunak last September from an original target of 2030.

And it's still not enough. So, scrap it, or try even more desperately to ram these things down the throats of reluctant consumers? 

Mike Hawes, the SMMT chief executive, said: “Government has challenged the UK automotive sector with the world’s boldest transition timeline and is investing to ensure we are a major maker of electric vehicles.
“It must now help all drivers buy into this future, with consumer incentives that will make the UK the leading European market for ZEVs.”



  1. More and more people are becoming aware of the shortcomings of EVs. The problems with range and the time it takes to charge them were obvious from the start. Now coming to light are issues such as massive depreciation in value, vehicles with only minor damage having to be written off, an aversion to wet weather and a tendency to burst into flames without warning. I have noticed that TV ads for cars are now exclusively for EVs yet nobody is buying them. If EVs really were the future then there would be no need for the government to get involved in promoting them, the fact that they are involved tells you everything that you need to know.

    Meanwhile there is now a battery operated train. Yes it is as useless as it sounds and also completely pointless since the technology to electrify trains is already available and well proven.

  2. It appears that a lot of people don't understand that 'net zero' is totally incompatible with electric cars for the simple reason there won't be enough electricity to charge the cars.

  3. Surely the people who choose not to buy an EV are either going to retain their fossil fuel vehicle and so avoid the environmental cost of manufacturing a new EV, or they are going to make do with public transport. A more attractive environmental response for the Government - unless the Government don't want to lose the tax on a new vehicle? In which case I see no attraction in flinging more money at the Government, they will only spend it unwisely.

  4. Increase in fueled vehicle sales = Better get one before I can't which means people are planning ahead and when the EV sales only starts car sales will plummet.

    So much for democracy.

  5. @Anon 09:53 - The advertising is for electric cars precisely because they can't sell them. If they could sell every one they produced because the demand was there, they wouldn't advertise.

    EVs are attractive to some people because of the tax regime, subsidies, and the nature of their journeys - I can see that - but why the feck should the rest of us pay for them?

  6. Another green lie that is being forced upon us. Climate change is like a religion to these fanatics but unlike religion we don't have a choice whether to put up with it or not.

  7. The SMMT chief executive. Logo, a turkey. Wearing a Santa hat.

  8. "If EVs really were the future then there would be no need for the government to get involved in promoting them..."

    Spot on!

    "It appears that a lot of people don't understand that 'net zero' is totally incompatible with electric cars..."

    How many people, if you stopped them in the street, could tell you what the aims are? The real aims, or the claimed ones...

    "...unless the Government don't want to lose the tax on a new vehicle?"

    Can it afford to, with the tax it will lose on tobacco soon?

    "So much for democracy."

    Sadly true.

    "EVs are attractive to some people because of the tax regime, subsidies, and the nature of their journeys..."

    But not enough of them to make them a viable alternative.

    "Climate change is like a religion to these fanatics but unlike religion we don't have a choice whether to put up with it or not."

    With some religions, it appears we don't have a choice there, either...

    "The SMMT chief executive. Logo, a turkey. Wearing a Santa hat."

