Friday 19 January 2024

Protecting And Serving Whom..?

Not the general public, that's for sure...
The majority of police forces allow trans-identifying biologically male officers to strip-search women, research has found.Of the 43 forces in England and Wales, at least 34 have either implemented the policy or intend to, a report from the Women's Rights Network revealed.

Which as many have pointed out is against the law. Self-ID does not count here, yet those sworn to uphold it are so in threall to the Stonewall trans cult they are prepared to break it.  

The feminist group's founder, Heather Binning, said the guidelines would lead to 'state-sanctioned sexual assault', and police leaders had failed the public by pandering to vocal lobbyists.
'Self-identification is not UK law and women should not be paying the price for policing beyond the law,' she said.

They shouldn't but it seems they will. Why is the Home Office not weighing in on this? 


  1. I wonder if a refusal would add some kind of hate crime to your charges? I wouldn't be surprised

  2. Why the feck do the police employ sexual deviants?

  3. Why the feck do the police employ sexual deviants?

  4. Why?

    Well, since almost all senior officers are women, that's why (and it's only going to get worse since the vast majority of recruits are women too, and the vanishingly few 'males' are almost all either gays or ethnics).

    Women are 'programmed' to 'fit in', to follow fad and fashion. They are also, despite the myth of "the sisterhood" (which is only in operation when against white, hetero males), gleefully capable of literally destroying other women (the competition, or inferiors). Throw in the fact that all those senior women are outright marxists and ...

    There are both male and female perverts and degenerates, but the few male ones only gained power when the vast majority of women decided to side with them against normalcy. And what does that say about 'most' women?

    Whilst I 'might' feel sympathy for the individual women thus abused, I don't even vaguely sympathise with women in general. You wanted this, demanded it even, campaigned, supported and voted for it (en bloc) and it's only when you suffer consequences that it suddenly becomes an issue. well, Tough!

  5. OK, so 34 police forces agree with this strange concept. However, the questions not asked are probably:
    "How many "trans-identifying" officers are there on the force?"
    "How many of them are qualified to strip-search?"
    "How many officers on the force are certified as "not as born"?"

  6. "I wonder if a refusal would add some kind of hate crime to your charges?"

    Yes, it undoubtedly would - one arrogant little shit of a police spokesperson has already admitted to it!

    "Why the feck do the police employ sexual deviants?"

    To 'represent the wider community' apparently.

    "Women are 'programmed' to 'fit in', to follow fad and fashion. "

    There's a branch of feminism fighting back that's having no truck with this trans nonsense. But sadly not getting the required support from other feminists.

    ""How many officers on the force are certified as "not as born"?""

    If only we had proper journalists that could ask these questions...

  7. " Why is the Home Office not weighing in on this? "
    It's so, so simple - the Home Office (described by an honest Labour politician as "not fit for purpose") is behind the entire trans policy. I am told that as the result of a Home Office diktat, all new police premises in the UK must have single sex toilets....
