Wednesday 24 January 2024

That Accident North Of The Wall Is No Longer Waiting To Happen...'s happened: 

A man is fighting for his life in hospital after being savaged by an 'out-of-control' XL bully-type dog that had attacked another man in the street minutes before.
The man was attacked by the 'bulldog-type' animal in the area of Tinto View, Hamilton, Scotland at around 5pm, prompting Police Scotland to send armed response officers to the scene who subsequently shot the animal dead.
The blood's on your hands as well as the idiot owner, Siobhian, if this turns out to be true:
The Record understands the canine had been rescued from England. Police say inquiries to establish the animal's breed are ongoing.

I've had a quick glance at social media, which is exactly as I suspected, full of smooth-brained 'animal lovers' claiming 'any dog can be savage' and 'it's the owner, not the dog' and 'why did the police not tranquilise it' as they always do in these instances. 

At least the Scottish taxpayer's not on the hook for the mutant mutt's long stay in kennels until a judge finally signs a destruction order so well done, Police Scotland, well done indeed.


  1. Perhaps the Scottish Parliament can find time to discuss the implementation of Clarkson's Law? As the neighbour of a young lady, now facially disfigured from an attack by one of these canine beasts, I can only hope so.

  2. "As the neighbour of a young lady, now facially disfigured from an attack by one of these canine beasts..."

