Wednesday 17 January 2024

They Can Police When They Want To...


In a highly targeted operation, undercover officers were sent to streets known to be hotspots late at night where they quickly fell prey to robbers, who were unaware that they were the real targets.
The innovative tactic is said to have led to robberies halving in some areas as prolific attackers have been taken off the streets.

This is all the more remarkable because of the demographic being targeted in this operation: 

So, a welcome return to proper coppering in London? I'd like to think so...


  1. If only Sharia law could be applied to these (presumed) believers. . . . . . .

  2. Wait until one dies while violently resisting arrest...

  3. Wonderful group of English sounding names.

  4. Bloody Welsh Baptists again!

  5. Of these [27], 21 were convicted. Fourteen have been sentenced to a total of 26 years in prison. So that's actually an average of less than 2 years each - minus 50% for "good behaviour". In other words, less than 12 months actually inside. For this scum it's purely a minor hazard of their occupation. It's not a deterrent: it's more a badge of honour or what passes for honour in their "communities".

  6. But feel the vibrancy! Admire the diversity!

  7. "So, a welcome return to proper coppering in London?"

    Ah ... No! You see, only a "certain class" of person is 'lucky' enough to own a Rolex (and it sure as sh..inola isn't your average working Brit). And that 'class' is the very one that, not only is happy for, but has been organising, funding, supporting and excusing, the feral ethnic targetting of normal Brits. But ... it's a different matter when 'one of theirs' is ... inconvenienced. (What? You think Rotherham et al would have been allowed to continue if it was 'their' daughters being raped?).

    Notice how you can still (mostly) walk around Chelsea & Westminster (not to mention Hampstead and parts of Islington) unmolested? Now can you say the same about the parts of London (or the rest of Britain for that matter) where normal people live and work? (Many years, cough decades, ago my 'local' was The Glengall Tavern off The OKR - I hasten to add, I was a naif before I joined up, and was still frequented, I found out years later, by a bunch of gangsters and coppers. Now? I wouldn't walk near there at night without 'carrying heavy and with the rest of my brick - or possible air and arty support').

    By now I think we could probably power the entire National Grid by simply ... hooking up a generator to Peels coffin.

  8. I’d have preferred to see their mugshots showing faces a bit bruised and battered.

  9. "If only Sharia law could be applied to these (presumed) believers. . . "

    I suspect the only thing they believe in is a quick buck.

    "Wait until one dies while violently resisting arrest..."

    I've got champagne in the fridge 😉

    "Wonderful group of English sounding names."

    And all presumably passport holders, since there's no mention of deportation.

    "Bloody Welsh Baptists again!"


    "For this scum it's purely a minor hazard of their occupation. It's not a deterrent: it's more a badge of honour or what passes for honour in their "communities"."

    Sadly true.

    " only a "certain class" of person is 'lucky' enough to own a Rolex (and it sure as sh..inola isn't your average working Brit). And that 'class' is the very one that, not only is happy for, but has been organising, funding, supporting and excusing, the feral ethnic targetting of normal Brits. But ... it's a different matter when 'one of theirs' is ... inconvenienced."

    Yes, there is that. Would that they targetted shoplifters with the same zeal.

    "I’d have preferred to see their mugshots showing faces a bit bruised and battered."

    Me too!
