Tuesday 30 January 2024

Well, Of Course They Fired Your Dumb Ass, Felicia...

Felicia Nicole, a Walmart worker (Ed: accuracy in reporting, please! It's 'ex-Walmart worker...) who confronted the mother along with other shoppers, said she was sacked after five years of service for posting video of the boy online.
'I don't feel sorry for her, she needs to be in jail... she shouldn't have done that to her baby,' she told DailyMail.com about the charges against Darby.
'Walmart doesn't care about their employees! I was only trying to help.'

Honey, if there's no clause in your contract that forbids workers from posting pictures of customers online for likes rather than contacting the relevant authorities, I'd be astounded. 

After she was released on bail, Darby wrote an 656-word Facebook post defending herself, claiming she was being 'done like Jesus was'.
Attached to the post were 54 photos of her children that she claimed proved she was a good mother and not 'neglectful' or 'mentally ill'. They included two of her kids at Disney World, posing with presents under a Christmas tree, and sitting on pumpkins on a farm.

IQ is real, folks... 


  1. Posting 54 pictures of your children on Facebook is the last thing that proves you're a good mother
