Tuesday 27 February 2024

Is This The Straw That Breaks The Camel's Back At Last?

Other mentally ill killers have done so because they claimed they were the son of god, or other delusions. We don't humour them

So why are we all humouring this man's delusion that he's female? When will a true journalist start addressing him as 'he'? When will everyone else involved in this insane process?

Her defence barrister Richard Sutton KC offered no mitigation on behalf of his client, admitting she would probably never be freed from prison. He said: 'One has to look at Ms Blake's background and decide that she is in one sense a dangerous person. It is clear that no parole board will feel she is safe to go back into society.'
Blake sat impassively in the dock as Mr Martin Carreno's brother Geraldo read out a victim impact statement ahead of the sentencing. The grieving brother told the court: [There is no remorse for her actions and makes even more difficult to process the barbarity. We miss him every day and thinking about his life if he had not met Blake that night.'

It's difficult to say who is more in the grip of delusion, the mentally ill killer or the rest of society that appears unable to tell the bald truth about him. 

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