Friday 23 February 2024

Manifestly Not Keeping Death Off The Roads...

A teaching assistant crashed her car into a family home and caused £200,000 worth of damage after she passed out while fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, a court has heard. Maryam Abbasi, 37, was speeding on the wrong side of the road when she careered into a garden wall and embedded the front of her car in the house in Edinburgh in April 2021.

Whoops! Lucky no-one was killed.  

She was subsequently arrested and charged with dangerous driving but pleaded guilty to an amended charge of driving without due care and attention when she appeared in court on Monday.

 *sighs* The Scottish CPS are just as lazy as the ones down here.

Solicitor Richard Freeman, defending, said his client had qualified as a criminal lawyer in Pakistan and was studying for an HND in teaching in this country when the accident took place.


He said her children attended separate schools in Edinburgh and her driving licence was essential to the family as she is the only member who can take them to and from their schools.

Daddy doesn't drive? Or Daddy is still in Pakistan? 

Sheriff Gordon Liddle said: 'Looking at this in the round I am satisfied, as far as I can be, that there is no instant and obvious danger presented by your driving today and that is an important thing for the purpose of public safety is concerned.
'But I have to deal with this as it stands, so I am not going to disqualify you which is probably of great relief to you and instead I am going to impose penalty points.'

What do you have to do? Oh, wait. It appears it's 'forget to indicate' in the UK.


  1. I doubt she passed out simply from fasting as anyone can go without food for a few days with no problems, other than hunger. I reckon there's more to this then meets the eye, but Islam is always a guaranteed 'get out of jail free card' these days.

  2. " no instant and obvious danger presented by your driving today". Today isn't the issue, it's next Ramadan that's the problem. Do you think she will refrain from driving when fasting?? No, me neither.

  3. If the islamofilth are allowed to turn this country into and primeval hell like pakistan, what does this moron think her life will be like?

    Indeed, what sort of life do any of them think they will be leading?

    Look at pictures of Tehran or Cairo in the 70s - women in minis with make up can be seen. Look at them today.

    This stupid bitch, and 99% of those moronically chanting that "Islam will dominate the world" are turkeys voting for christmas.

  4. Motorist up here got gaoled for 28 months after falling asleep and killing a couple were travelling the other way. Her driving today doesn't pose a danger either.

  5. "I doubt she passed out simply from fasting..."

    Possibly, but we've had a few people at work pass out. Mostly when it's too hot, since they are forbidden from drinking too. Bizarre rule for a desert religion!

    "Today isn't the issue, it's next Ramadan that's the problem. "

    Spot on!

    "Look at pictures of Tehran or Cairo in the 70s - women in minis with make up can be seen. Look at them today."

    I can just look at parts of Rochdale and Bradford instead!

    "Motorist up here got gaoled for 28 months after falling asleep and killing a couple were travelling the other way. Her driving today doesn't pose a danger either."

