Saturday 3 February 2024

The Madness Is Spreading...

Virtual police stations should be opened in the metaverse to tackle online crimes, Interpol suggests.

I suppose this was inevitable... British police farces are probably congratulating themselves on leading the way! 

The international police body has called for forces to consider opening online units offering services like 'reporting crimes, filing complaints or hosting virtual community meetings'. In a White Paper warning of an explosion of crimes in virtual reality games, Interpol suggests officers should maintain a 'virtual presence in the metaverse' to prevent sex offences, child abuse and even terrorism.

If it's as effective as the real-world presence, better open up a virtual Police Complaints Authority alongside it. 


  1. Brilliant idea. Virtual Police chases; virtual public order and riot containment; and best of all, virtual Police pay and pensions. What could go wrong?

  2. There's a lot of 'nastiness' in Holy Books too. Are they to be policed?

  3. I thought the police complaints authority was already virtual.

  4. Just don't get above 2 stars and you are golden... sorry that's GTA

  5. "What could go wrong?"

    I think it won't be too long before we find out!

    "There's a lot of 'nastiness' in Holy Books too. Are they to be policed?"

    Oerish the thought!

    "I thought the police complaints authority was already virtual."


    "Just don't get above 2 stars and you are golden... sorry that's GTA"

    Loved that game!
