Monday 5 February 2024

Why Is It The Government's Job?

Sir Keir Starmer said tackling knife crime requires a 'laser focus' as he described the double stabbing as 'devastating'.
Speaking during a visit to Warrington, the Labour leader told broadcasters: 'My reaction to what happened in Bristol starts with the human reaction. This is devastating for the family and friends of these two youngsters. I have teenage children myself. I cannot even imagine what it's like for the family and friends.
'But broader than that, I think across the country, there is this general concern now that knife crime is getting out of control. We've seen a 77 per cent increase since 2015. We've got to take it more seriously. 'We need real ambition by the Government. Make sure these knives are not available online - that can be done very quickly.

We don't even know yet where these particular murderers got their knives. Despite arrests, police weren't even naming the suspects at the time I drafted this. So why does he think making knives unavailable online is going to help?

'Where we think that youngsters are getting into trouble, put the support and get them out of that situation in the first place. And then finally, make it absolutely clear that if you carry a knife you carry the consequences.
'So I would bring a laser focus to this now. We can't carry on with these awful stories of knife crime. We have to roll up our sleeves and do something about it.'
Well, you were DPP in 2008 and held that position until 2013. If anyone laid the foundations for this rise, it was you.



  2. Annnd there it is! These scrotes aren't 'getting into trouble' they are trouble!

    If entitled low-life feel they're not getting the respect they deserve, that's their problem not ours!

  3. Does it require more Civil service and work for lawyers, Surkeer's mates? Yes.
    Well obviously it needs more Gubment.
    Stoopit question.

  4. Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh
    "If a cricketer, for instance, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats?" In a Radio 4 interview shortly after the Dunblane shootings in 1996 when they were banning guns

  5. Labours answer to any problem is two-fold. Ban something or tax it.

  6. It's been suggested that the rise in youth crime in Queensland is caused by the weakening of the laws passed by Campbell Newman, before he was tossed out as state Premier.

    Perhaps you might want to import him to the UK?

  7. It's been suggested that the rise in youth crime in Queensland is caused by the weakening of the laws passed by Campbell Newman, before he was tossed out as state Premier.

    Perhaps you might want to import him to the UK?

  8. ""

    He sad a lot that was controversial in his life...but not this!

    "If entitled low-life feel they're not getting the respect they deserve, that's their problem not ours!"

    Spot on!

    "Does it require more Civil service and work for lawyers, Surkeer's mates? Yes."

    At which point do we say more isn't the answer? I'd say it was about 20 years ago at least.

  9. "Labours answer to any problem is two-fold. Ban something or tax it."

    And usually neither works in the end.

    "Perhaps you might want to import him to the UK?"

    Couldn't hurt!
