Friday 16 February 2024

Why No Deportation?

A driver who deliberately rammed a cyclist into a parked truck has avoided jail.

It's hard to see how, when the act was deliberate and calculated. 

Polish plumber Adam Ruszkowski pursued Thomas Purchase, who had overtaken the motorist on his bike, along Lambeth Walk Road in south London. The 37-year-old then drove into the software engineer, pushing the cyclist into an HGV, causing spinal fractures and PTSD following the incident.

How on earth does this man not see the inside of  jail cell, and on release, the departure lounge of Heathrow accompanied by Home Office officials? 

But Ruszkowski, who was in tears throughout the sentencing hearing at Inner London Crown Court, has been spared jail time, instead receiving a sentence of two years suspended for two years.

Are we that short of Polish plumbers? 

The motorist, who was wearing a light blue shirt in court, was helped by an interpreter as Judge Darren Reed summarised the case.

Clearly no loss to the workforce if he departs for Warsaw post haste... 


  1. Just because someone asks for an interpreter doesn't mean that they need one - it is playing for time. Boris Becker asked for an interpreter and then taught English in prison!

  2. A mate of mine in the Home Office, noticeable because of his white face and Southern English accent, tells me that the judiciary are 'advised' to only order a custodial sentence as a last resort. I can only assume it's to keep spaces available for those who may protest against Hamas, or commit racist offences, such as shouting, "This is England".
    I despair. I truly despair.

  3. "Just because someone asks for an interpreter doesn't mean that they need one - it is playing for time. "

    How does that help, though?

    "I can only assume it's to keep spaces available for those who may protest against Hamas, or commit racist offences, such as shouting, "This is England"."


  4. I agree that there is no need for him to be here. However don't assume that because someone asks for an interpreter that they can't speak English - it could mean that however in some cases they might speak English better than the interpreter!
