Tuesday 5 March 2024

It’s Not ‘Resilience And Determination’…

In her initial Instagram post, Rasetarinera said the incident allowed her to reflect on her journey as a business owner.
“As I reflect on this ordeal, I am reminded of the resilience and determination that have propelled me forward as a black woman entrepreneur,” she said. “While Tesla’s actions may have caused temporary setbacks, they will not deter me from pursuing my passion and serving my community with integrity and pride.”

...it's the usual 'scream and shout on social media until you get what you want'. 

Musk’s company Tesla had ditched an order for 4,000 mini pies from Giving Pies, a Black-owned bakery in San Jose, in central California, bakery owner Voahangy Rasetarinera said on the cafe’s Instagram account five days ago.

Interesting the woman herself doesn't capitalise the word 'black' but the paper does. 

The incident occurred after Rasetarinera’s bakery received a last-minute order for 2,000 pies from Tesla on Valentine’s Day – a $6,000 catch for the small business, KTVU reported. Tesla doubled the order to 4,000 pies before ultimately canceling the order without paying, Rasetarinera said.
In her Instagram post, Rasetarinera said to fulfill the order she had to turn down other Black History Month catering inquiries, purchase additional supplies and prepare her staff for a “demanding production schedule” – for which she was not compensated.

Maybe US business practices are different, but most perishable orders have a clause that cancellation within a certain time frame before delivery will incur a penalty. If she didn't institute such a clause, more fool her. 

But never lose a chance to grandstand and claim victimhood, eh?

“To me, it was clear that Tesla’s corporate culture prioritized convenience over accountability, disregarding the livelihoods of small business owners like myself,” she said. “This experience serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerability faced by small businesses when dealing with larger corporations. Despite our best efforts to uphold our commitments and provide quality service, we are often left at the mercy of decisions made in corporate boardrooms.”

Oh, give it a rest! It was a decision made in a corporate boardroom that got you compensated after you'd whipped up a fuss, but I bet you're fine with that one... 


  1. This wouldn't have happened in the Daily Wail: they would tell us how much her house is worth!

  2. "This wouldn't have happened in the Daily Wail: they would tell us how much her house is worth!"

