Tuesday 12 March 2024

Maybe It's Not The Quality Of The Food...

Greggs workers are set for a £700 bonus each after the bakery beat McDonald's to become the UK's favourite breakfast spot.
The company, which has 2,473 stores, recently overtook McDonald's as Britain's no.1 breakfast on-the-go retailer, which Ms Currie said reflected the popularity of its hot food options, including their popular sausage and bacon rolls.
Ms Currie told the Mirror: 'We have been number one for a number of months. We have more consumers eating breakfast out of the home,' referring to Greggs increasing its share of morning customers for food to 19.6 per cent.
They are providing nice food, it's true. And a more frequent choice for breakfast for me on work days. 

But that's simply because they are open earlier than McDonalds. 

And as I write this, it appears I've tempted fate, as the Greggs at Westfield Stratford has closed for renovation yet again, despite a huge upgrade and overhaul just last summer.


  1. There's a new Greggs near where I work. There's always a line of vans parked on the double yellow lines outside, making the street only wide enough for one car to pass. There's a large car park on the side of the building, right there, that they could be using. Some people are just lazy.

    I'm surprised they've overtaken McDonalds though. I'd have though that market was closed to anyone else now

    1. "Some people are just lazy."
      How do they expect to hit the step count target on their Garmins if they don't walk a bit?

  2. I prefer Greggs bacon rolls over McDonalds.

    I'm sure our McDonalds is still 24 Hr for the drive through. Although I could be out of touch it is a long time since I went anywhere earlier than 1100.

  3. Julia, I’ve used the Greggs in Stratford centre for yonks. A bacon and cheese wrap and a sausage roll every morning.
    Five years ago I retired.
    Now I’m back at work for a short while and they don’t keep their stuff warm as they used to, so rather than a cold snack I go somewhere else.

  4. Anon - Garmins? I doubt these fat whaps care about their steps :-)

    1. Well quite, I was taking the piss.

  5. "There's a new Greggs near where I work. There's always a line of vans parked on the double yellow lines outside, making the street only wide enough for one car to pass. "


    "I prefer Greggs bacon rolls over McDonalds."

    Me too - until they brough back the Breakfast Wrap, that is!

    "I’ve used the Greggs in Stratford centre for yonks. A bacon and cheese wrap and a sausage roll every morning.
    Five years ago I retired.
    Now I’m back at work for a short while and they don’t keep their stuff warm as they used to"

    I wonder if that's one of the improvements they've now closed to make?
