Monday 4 March 2024

More Diversity Hire Shenanigans

A row has broken out after a judge who decided to let three women wearing parachute images at a pro-Palestine march walk free admitted to liking a social media post branding Israel a 'terrorist'.

Well, well, well... 

Tanweer Ikram is facing calls to be investigated for a conflict of interest after he liked a LinkedIn post calling for a 'free Palestine ' by a barrister who had previously promoted conspiracy theories claiming that Israel allowed the October 7 attack. The senior district judge admitted to liking the post 'by mistake' three weeks ago, but was told by the Judicial Office that the matter would not be investigated further.

Of course not! They look after their own - especially when they've gone to such lengths to ensure a suitably 'diverse' workforce.

Downing Street said that it had referred the case to the Attorney General, describing the sentencing decision as 'deeply troubling'.

I'll say! It makes an utter mockery of our supposed impartial justice system. 

Mr Ikram told the women: 'Each of you stands convicted of a terrorist offence. There is nothing to suggest the police of their own volition were going to take any action. You've not hidden the fact you were carrying these images. You crossed the line, but it would have been fair to say that emotions ran very high on this issue.
'Your lesson has been well learnt. I do not find you were seeking to show any support for Hamas.'

I wonder just who's emotions were running high on this issue. Sounds like Tanweer's were, as well as those of these three idiots. 


  1. No matter how westernised they become-they are always Muslims first, second and last.

  2. "No matter how westernised they become-they are always Muslims first, second and last."

    Spot on, why can no one in authority see that?
