Friday 29 March 2024

The Mentality Of Dangerous Dog Owners...

A dog owner who was savaged by her Rottweilers has said that she is 'nothing' without them after both were euthanised following the attack.
Nikita Piil, 31, almost died when her two dogs, Harlem and Bronx, mauled her at her Success home, in the southern suburbs of Perth, on September 16. Her family later said she was trying to calm the dogs following an incident in the neighbourhood when she unfortunately got caught in the crossfire and was attacked herself.

Yet more evidence these people are utterly deranged.  

Ms Piil was raced to hospital with severe injuries to her arm, legs and head and has since undergone at least five life-saving operations.
During the attack, police were forced to shoot Bronx following failed attempts to distract and Taser the dog.

At least they didn't then try to revive the mutt, like the idiots in the Met Police! Not that they were able to shoot straight...

He was later euthanised by vets.

*rolls eyes* Back to the range, cobber! 

About six weeks later, she was asked to surrender Harlem to City of Cockburn's animal management centre so he could be put down. Ms Piil has never spoken publicly about the attack, but has quietly turned her social media bios into tributes for her beloved pets in recent weeks.

There's no hope for people like this. 


  1. Perth, that's a long way from Darwin.

  2. "Perth, that's a long way from Darwin."

    I see what you did there... 😉
