Wednesday 27 March 2024

The Same Thuggish Demands As Any Inner City Ganglord

A cafe owner forced to close over complaints about bacon and clinking teacups has been slammed again by an angry neighbour after announcing plans to reopen just 100 yards away. The Caddy Shack in Weymouth, Dorset shut down in December after three residents said the odour and noise coming from the venue was causing 'unacceptable harm' to their standard of living.

Yers indeed, it's this one

Owner Emma Ayles then tried to solve the problem by submitting plans to move the cafe, which is run from a converted shipping container, just 100 yards away.She hoped this would put her out of earshot of frustrated locals, but one of the original complainants has since launched a fresh attack on the businesswoman by writing to Dorset Council and demanding 'more respect' for neighbours.

You know who absolutely never deserves any respect? People who demand it as if it was a right. 

Other neighbours don't agree, they want to see it reopen: 

Reginald Haylor said: 'It was sadly missed when forced to close with some very suspect complaints. 'I live approx 100 metres and found it very useful.'Barry Smith wrote: 'As a (very) local resident, I'm in full support of this application and happy to add my vote if needed. 'It brings the community together as well as passing runners, dog walkers etc. and encourages local business as opposed to (for example) yet another chain store like McDonald's or Costa.'

All things local councils tell us they are in favour of. And there's at least eight other people who will agree: 

December's closure led to eight people being made redundant.

Well done, local council...  


  1. Then it's time to respond in kind and go break some legs

  2. There is no place in this world for small businesses. The only commercial concerns will be global. There global corporations will own all commerce, all governments, and all of us. That's fascism. I'm off to join antifa.

  3. @ Bucko
    Legs? make it arms - have you ever seen someone with two broken arms try to do essentials such as do up shoe laces or brush teeth? That's before using toilet paper!!

  4. Weymouth...

    Isn't that the place where all sorts of illegals are moored until they're allowed to stay here forever?

    Who's running the council down there?

  5. @Bucko,

    You don't need toilet paper to smear shit round yer anus if you have one of those Japanese bidet toilets that squirt warm water up yer arse! (Or wash yer lady bits - if ye 'ave 'em, with the dial set approriately).

  6. @Nemesis - Yeah, arms would work too. It's not very traditional tough...

  7. "Then it's time to respond in kind and go break some legs"

    Or the alternative that Nemesis suggests!

    "There is no place in this world for small businesses. The only commercial concerns will be global. "

    Napolean wouldn't recognise the UK today.

    "Legs? make it arms - have you ever seen someone with two broken arms try to do essentials ..."

    As someone who broke her upper arm a few years ago, I concur!

    "Isn't that the place where all sorts of illegals are moored until they're allowed to stay here forever?"

    Indeed it is, though I believe they are trying to branch out across the country.
