Wednesday 17 April 2024

Even In The Unlikeliest Locations....

...these things are owned by idiots:
A woman is in hospital with serious injuries after being attacked in her home by an XL Bully dog.She was trying to break up a fight between two dogs at the property in the genteel market town of Holt when the animals turned on her. The woman, who is in her 20s, was able to barricade herself into the bathroom for her safety before shouting for help.

It's nice-looking little new build estate, not the sort of place you'd expect some dimwit tattooed chav (another woman at that!) to be keeping these dogs.  

A neighbour in Pheasant Close, a quiet cul-de-sac on the edge of the town, heard her cries and raised the alarm. Firefighters as well as police were sent to the scene and locals say fire crews had to help the woman escape from the property through a window, to avoid the dogs.

Did they not send armed cops then? Surely they should have, for everyone's safety. 

The victim was taken to the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, where she remains. Police confirmed that one of the dogs, an XL Bully, has since been destroyed. The other animal - which neighbours have described as a pitbull-type dog - has been seized by officers and experts are trying to determine its breed.

I suspect she'll face no charges... though her relatives aren't helping with that:

Her grandfather, Alan Gilbey, who was at her home on Monday, said:'Fortunately, her dog saved her life. He pulled the other one off. He was a smaller dog.
'She's got him neutered and registered because they said he was borderline, so she should be getting him back tomorrow.
'He's not a banned dog because we already had him tested two years ago but you know what the police are like. They took one look and said he was a banned dog but that is not the case.'

Yeah, we do know what they are like, they are the ones who rush to the scene when your idiot granddaughter is being mauled by her dangerous 'pets'. And when she decides to break the law, for whicg I really hope she gets the book thrown at her:

Mr Gilbey explained the dog his granddaughter had been looking after was an unlicensed XL Bully which needed a home as its owners couldn't 'look after' it anymore.

You really can't fix stupid. 

H/T:Dave Ward via email

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