Thursday 18 April 2024

I Know It Doesn’t Look Like It Much Anymore, But You Weren’t In Turkey were in Romford.
A schoolgirl was left terrified by a man who rubbed her leg and kissed her feet at Romford Station. The man had asked the 15-year-old girl for directions but when she helped him he “caressed” her knee and kissed her feet, a court heard. Members of the public had to step in to separate the man from the girl, who was visibly distressed and crying. Emil Muresan, 50, of Slade Green Road in Erith, was arrested at a nearby bus stop after the girl reported the incident to a teacher at her school.

If uou're thinking that's not a classic old Romford name, Reader, you'll be right, of course: 

But he told police that where he comes from in Turkey it is common to kiss people’s feet to say thank you.

Well, take a look around you, Emil ol' son. You're not in Turkey. 

On Monday (March 18) he was ordered to carry out 55 hours of unpaid work after he pleaded guilty to battery.
A probation officer who interviewed Muresan about the offence said the defendant tried to kiss his feet at the end of the conversation. Muresan’s barrister said his client repeatedly tried to do this to him too.

Kudos to him for carrying on the charade quite so far! 

Muresan had initially been charged with sexual assault, but he later pleaded guilty to battery instead and the earlier charge was dropped.

Another lazy decision by the work-shy CPS, I see... 

Sentencing him at Inner London Crown Court, Judge Anne Studd KC said: “You say it is a cultural normality for you, and there is some evidence to say that is true. But for her it caused panic.” He was given a one-year community order with a requirement that he must complete 55 hours of unpaid work.

Why not simply deport him? 


  1. Deport him? Certainly not, we would lose out on his 55 hours of unpaid work.

  2. You know your trouble, Julia? You never look on the bright side. She was *lucky* she met this guy from Turkey.

    If she'd met this guy from Sudan, she'd have been burned alive.

    "Mohammed Abbkr, who has schizophrenia, sprayed petrol before setting alight Hashi Odowa, 82, and Mohammed Rayaz, 72, in London and Birmingham ... Abbkr believed people possessed by evil spirits controlled him .. . Abbkr, who came to the UK from Sudan in 2017, has paranoid schizophrenia ... The defendant, who was granted leave to remain in 2019, claimed those he attacked were not human and could not be injured by fire ... "

    "The protection of the public is at the forefront of my considerations," [Judge Inman] said. We can expect to see this guy out in a year or two then, with a bevy of experts telling us he "no longer poses any risk".

    -- spiro

  3. "eport him? Certainly not, we would lose out on his 55 hours of unpaid work."

    And a quick response at UberEats.

    "You never look on the bright side. She was *lucky* she met this guy from Turkey.

    If she'd met this guy from Sudan, she'd have been burned alive."

    Oh, indeed. Remiss of me!
