Monday 1 April 2024

What Does It Matter?

Surely the only thing to be fixated on is the pass rate?

“Art education offers something special to children and young people, but sadly there is a deficiency in our current provision, meaning that wonderful opportunities for growth and change are missed, and this impacts all students,” the report said.
The lack of standardised guidance in the curriculum means the inclusion of artists from underrepresented backgrounds remains a challenge, with lesson content largely set by teachers and subject leaders, which means students often only have access to a “narrow perspective on the artistic world”, the report says.

Because everything else has only been improved by inclusion policies, right?  

The Runnymede Trust and Freelands Foundation are calling for exam boards to commit to a minimum target of 25% representation for minority ethnic artists in GCSE art exam papers for 2025. Pearson and Eduqas have agreed.



  1. So representatation at roughly 200% of the minority ethnic population of the UK. And to reach this level you will have to include artists whose work would not have been considered on merit alone.


    1. Sorry, I posted this link while forgetting that they don't work on this blog format. It's well worth copying and pasting into a Web address box as it makes a significant point.


  3. I'm sure these missing minority students know full well that art is same are a waste of time. Therefore they will be found sitting science and mathematics exams. They're not daft you know.

  4. I assume the also called for the same representation of white students in Nigeria?

  5. We will lower the levels necessary to get more of these excluded people in and long before they reach the level they want toddlers, chimps and dog turds will qualify.

  6. "So representatation at roughly 200% of the minority ethnic population of the UK."

    And still they scream about'ewpresentation'.

    "I'm sure these missing minority students know full well that art is same are a waste of time."

    There's hope for them yet, if so!

    "Sorry, I posted this link while forgetting that they don't work on this blog format."

    Yes, it's time Blogger sorted that out!

    "I assume the also called for the same representation of white students in Nigeria?"

    Heh! I'd like to see that!

    "We will lower the levels necessary to get more of these excluded people in and long before they reach the level they want toddlers, chimps and dog turds will qualify."

    And that'll win us that Turner Prize!
