Friday 12 April 2024

Why We Can No Longer Respect The Police...

Fab hair and nails, yass kween....but did you spend too long looking in the mirror and not enough looking at your job description?

The comments are priceless!  

H/T: Jeremy Starmouse via Twitter


  1. The number of hands in pockets is telling ...

  2. Apart from not being able to understand which law has been broken, the attitude of the Police officers is disgraceful. The bearded numpty standing by and allowing the fluttering hands Princess to deal with this allegation must Shirley give him brownie (am I allowed to say that, these days?) points back at wherever he hangs his hat.
    Nineteen years out, now, and loving it.

  3. "The number of hands in pockets is telling ..."

    It's indicative of a lack of respect and open contempt for the public.

    "The bearded numpty standing by and allowing the fluttering hands Princess to deal with this allegation must Shirley give him brownie (am I allowed to say that, these days?) points back at wherever he hangs his hat."

    One wonders how she'd fare if faced with a situation like Amy Scott in Bondi?
