Wednesday 8 May 2024

But The Worst Of Them Will Be Hit By It, Surely?

Harry Potter author JK Rowling has hit out at Humza Yousaf after the First Minister confirmed trans women will be protected by a new misogyny law.

That's going to be hard to do, when so many of the high profile transgender 'women' prove to be, well, utterly misogynistic themselves. 

The Scottish Government had previously came (sic) under fire for leaving out the sex characteristic from its controversial hate crime legislation after a review by Baroness Helena Kennedy found that specific misogyny offences needed their own law. Her report recommended the creation of a separate piece of legislation to tackle 'the spectrum of misogynistic conduct' rather than including it within the hate crime Act.

Quite why a seperate offence was needed is hard to fathom, unless it was a sop they intended to placate women annoyed that men in frocks could now use their toilets. If so, EPIC FAIL! on that score...

Ms Rowling responded by posting on social media: 'Once again, [Mr Yousaf] makes his absolute contempt for women and their rights clear.
'Women were excluded from his nonsensical hate crime law, now he introduces a 'misogyny law' designed to also protect men.'

Indeed. Now Humza Yousless is no more, will his successor have the courage to reverse this nonsense?  


  1. If misogyny laws are necessary then presumably misandry laws should also be created as an even-handed response?

    Unless, of course, it is merely a matter of virtue signalling?

  2. Can an XL Bully Dog self identity as a same age human female?
    Why not?
    Don't tell me that that is ridiculous. That pass was sold long ago.

  3. "Unless, of course, it is merely a matter of virtue signalling?"

    You might think that, I couldn't possibly comment...

    "Don't tell me that that is ridiculous. That pass was sold long ago."

    Indeed it was!
