Monday 6 May 2024

This Is How To Stop This Nonsense...

A West Virginia transgender athlete won her shot put competition in her first sporting event following an appeals court ruling that allowed her to participate - as other contestants refused to play against her.
Pepper-Jackson took home first place in the shot put competition with her 32-foot effort, three feet further than second place, and she placed second in discus.

Sadly, only some of the girls took this stand

Despite being legally allowed to compete, some athletes protested Pepper-Jackson's participation by refusing to play against her. Five girls from Lincoln Middle School stepped up to the circle for their turn, then refused to throw the ball.Scores recorded from the event on show the athletes received a mark of 'no distance.'

If only every girl had done this. That's what will stop this nonsense in its tracks.  

The court noted Pepper-Jackson has lived as a girl for over five years. She began identifying as female in the third grade and has participated strictly on girls' sports teams. In addition to taking puberty blockers and estrogen hormone therapy, the student has legally changed her name, and the state of West Virginia has issued her a birth certificate listing her as female.

Thirs grade? That's ages 8 to 9? How the hell is this not child abuse? 

Her mother, Heather Pepper-Jackson, said, 'She likes to do the best in everything, be it algebra or running or shot put or discus.' 'She tries to excel in everything that she does, just like any other kid... if she didn't start the fight, who's going to?'

Clearly not parents whose concern is not for their son's obvious mental health issues.  


  1. I wonder who - or what - came first in discus

  2. 'She likes to do the best in everything, be it algebra...'

    "I want to join the remedial class."
    "But you are in the top set."
    "Yes but I am only third there; in remedial class I will be first."

  3. This mentally ill freak is a he, not she.

  4. This has come a long way from when the chaps used to play the gals at Rugby Union on Boxing Day rituals!

    Blimey, those front row duels, loose scrums and high tackles meant so much back then! Some blokes got closer to a 'feel' than they'd never done before!

  5. "I wonder who - or what - came first in discus"


    ""Yes but I am only third there; in remedial class I will be first.""

    "This mentally ill freak is a he, not she."

    Yes, if only the media would drop the ridiculous adoption of female terms for these people.

    "Some blokes got closer to a 'feel' than they'd never done before!"

