Saturday 13 July 2024

'I didn't see how I could live with what happened.'

But you seem happy for it to potentially happen to someone else?
An epilepsy sufferer has been left 'heartbroken' after his pet dog ripped off his nose in a vicious mauling which was triggered when the animal got 'spooked' by a night seizure. Ben Horne's house was left 'plastered in blood' after the attack which left his top lip hanging down and only the septum bone in his nose intact.
The dog? Well, no photo or breed description, but probably not a Labrador or chihuahua, folks! And not dealt with, either.
His dog Henry has since been rehomed and is living happily with a new family after an assessment.

A dog which mauls savagely when 'spooked' should only be 'rehomed' to the vet's freezer. 

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